EU hits Chinese biodiesel with anti-dumping measures. The European Commission announced today that it will impose anti-dumping tariffs of up to 36.4% on biodiesel imports from China.
This is a step in the right direction for limiting imports of dubious used cooking oil (UCO) biofuels, says T&E. But tariffs alone will not be enough to prevent fraudulently mislabeled palm oil from entering the European market, says the group.
Over the past two years, the European biofuels market has been flooded with UCO imports from China, causing a collapse in the market price from around €2,250 per tonne to €1,100. A recent study by T&E showed that collection in China is as much as 30% cheaper than in Europe. Inherent problems with verification and certification mean that much of the UCO entering Europe may also be fraudulently labelled palm oil, a cheap feedstock heavily linked with deforestation.
The EU currently imports more than 80% of its UCO, with China alone accounting for 60% of these imports.
Cian Delaney, biofuels campaigner at T&E, said: “Europe is completely overreliant on unverifiable used cooking oil from distant countries, like China. Restrictions on imports from China are a step in the right direction, however, anti-dumping tariffs alone won’t be enough to tackle UCO fraud. Without a complete overhaul of the certification process, the EU will continue to play out a game of whack-a-mole as fraudsters from other countries will simply fill the gap. The EU needs to stop incentivising unverifiable, imported waste oils and move away from an industry-led verification system towards more stringent regulation”.
Transport & Environment‘s (T&E) vision is a zero-emission mobility system that is affordable and has minimal impacts on our health, climate and environment.
Since we were created 30 years ago, T&E has shaped some of Europe’s most important environmental laws. We got the EU to set the world’s most ambitious CO2 standards for cars and trucks but also helped uncover the dieselgate scandal; we campaigned successfully to end palm oil diesel; secured a global ban on dirty shipping fuels and the creation of the world’s biggest carbon market for aviation – just to name a few.
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Our staff in Brussels, Rome, Madrid, Berlin, Warsaw and London collaborate with our 63 national member and supporter organisations in 24 countries across Europe. All together our members and supporters represent more than 3.5 million people.
We coordinate the International Coalition for Sustainable Aviation (ICSA), which has observer status at the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) and are members of the Clean Shipping Coalition (CSC), which has observer status at the International Maritime Organisation (IMO).
We hold a seat on the board of ECOS, and are members of the Green 10 group of European environmental NGOs, Agora Verkehrswende, the Platform for Electromobility, the Coalition for Energy Savings, the Renewable Grids Initiative and the Electrification Alliance.